It's Christmas again! It's been a great year and a perfect time to all get together to play some fun tennis, pleasant weather, in a nice social atmosphere. We thank everyone for being with us this year and let's have a tournament to celebrate!
DATE & TIME: Saturday 26/12/2015, 12-3pm
LOCATION: Shek Kip Mei Tennis Courts. Entry at Cornwall Road, Kowloon Tong.
Advanced Tennis Performance Xmas Tournament The whole session is to be paid upfront, to cover balls, courts, and administration:
ATPCA Members $100 per each
Non members $300 per each
All participants will receive souveniors from sponsors and prizes from competition.
Minimum 6 players for session to hold.
Tournament format is doubles, with rotation upon each 30 minutes.
In case of wet weather, tournament fees will be refunded.
Deadline for entries is 10/12/2015. For late entries please kindly add $100 administrative fee.
Tournament fee is to be paid upfront, please kindly send transfers to be made to
ADVANCED TENNIS PERFORMANCE LTD, HSBC# 411-760028-838, forward receipt through whatsapp 61357606.
ATP Ltd reserves the right to adjust class sizes, timings, and conditions. In case of disputes, decision by ATP Ltd is final.
By filling in the form, participants declares to be healthy and enters the tournament at their own risk.